Our international work

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A trusted partner of governments and businesses, WRAP uses its expertise and evidence to create shared vision and tailored, targeted programmes that help deliver sustainability goals.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3

We are a founding member of the Champions 12.3 network. As experts in food waste prevention, we are contributing to halving global food waste per capita at the retail and consumer level, and reducing food losses along production and supply chains by 2030.

WRAP works with the United Nations on the 10 year framework of Sustainable Consumption and Production. We are a member of the Multi Advisory Stakeholder Committee of Consumer Information and Sustainable Lifestyles and Education programmes. We are also partner of Sustainable Tourism and EcoTourism and Sustainable Food Systems programmes.

Increasing recycling

We work with countries, regions and cities to increase recycling rates and re-define how we re-use and recycle materials.

Our projects across the world

We are working with partners to deliver international projects in over 20 countries.

Our global projects

Partnering United Nations Environment

WRAP is helping to deliver Think.Eat.Save, part of the SAVE FOOD Initiative of the FAO and the trade fair organiser Messe Düsseldorf. www.thinkeatsave.org

Working with retailers and brands

WRAP is working with senior management teams in Nestle, Tesco and Unilever to support their plans and ambitions to reduce food waste and improve product sustainability. Many leading retailers are using the Sustainable Development Goals as a guide for future activities, WRAP's holistic view of the food supply chain from farm to fork means we're able to provide them with independent strategic and technical support in addressing some of the systemic issues that cause one third of the food we produce globally to be wasted.

Our work in action

Our experts contribute the know-how and evidence-based tools that will help deliver international sustainability goals.

Improving resource efficiency in the supply chain across Europe

REFRESH focuses on the reduction of avoidable waste and improved valorisation of food resources. Backed by research to better understand the drivers of food waste, the project supports better decision-making by industry and individual consumers.

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Reducing household food waste in Saudi Arabia

We have partnered with Savola to share our strategic guidelines, frameworks, tools and tips. Sharing our proven practices we are helping Saudi achieve maximum impact in it’s "Food Waste Prevention and Reduction Program".

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Reducing consumer food waste in New Zealand

Love Food Hate Waste is active in the England, Wales, Scotland, New South Wales, Victoria and New Zealand. LFHW New Zealand works across 60 councils and community groups to reduce consumer food waste.

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How we work with you

Using our expertise, we work closely with organisations to achieve sustainability goals and increase resource efficiency through:

Voluntary agreements

WRAP brokers and manages sector-wide voluntary agreements, accelerating change in ways that governments, individual companies or community groups cannot achieve on their own. We forge powerful partnerships, bringing together organisations that would not normally work together to work towards common goals.

Products and services

Our consumer campaigns, Recycle Now, Love Food Hate Waste, and Love Your Clothes empower individuals to take action through inspiring messages and practical advice.

Our track record

First ever global standard to measure food loss and waste

WRAP was among a number of leading international organisations who partnered to develop an International Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard. The Standard is the first ever set of global definitions and reporting requirements that companies, countries and others can use to consistently and credibly measure, report on and manage food loss and waste.

The business case for reducing food waste

Prepared on behalf of Champions 12.3, The Business Case for Reducing Food Loss and Waste analyses the financial impacts of historical food loss and waste reduction efforts conducted by a country, a city, and numerous companies. The results show that the financial benefits of taking action often significantly outweighed the costs. The report was prepared by Craig Hanson, Global Director of Food, Forests, and Water at WRI, and Peter Mitchell, Head of Economics at WRAP.

Meet the experts

We work with a growing number of international governments and businesses. If you would like to know how our networks, tools and expertise could help your organisation, we would love to hear from you.







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